Effect of Search Algorithm Execution Time Analysis Education on Logical Thinking of Elementary School Student
bong chul Kim,Jeju national university
gi pyo Kong,Jeju national university
jonghoon Kim,Jeju national university
The purpose of this study is to develop a Python search algorithm educational program based on execution time to improve the logical thinking of elementary school students. This educational program was developed based on the process of ADDIE model, utilizing the results of pre-demand analysis conducted for 133 students in elementary school in OO. In order to verify the effectiveness of the developed education program, 25 students who participated in the education donation program at ○○ University conducted 42 hours of classes during 6 days. The GALT test was used to analyze the educational effects of the pre- and post-test. The results of the analysis show that the SW education program developed in this study can positively affect the logic of elementary school students.
Software education, Search algorithm, Algorithm execution time
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