Study on the Subjectivity of Nursing Students’ Perception of Diet
Sunyoung Jang, Department of Nursing, Hanseo University, 46 Hanseo1 Ro, Haemi-myun, Seosan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, 369-709, Korea
The aim of this study is to identify the subjectivity for the categorization of diet with whom nursing students. The study has utilized Q Methodology. 19 nursing students, with clinical training experience at hospitals, were asked to classify 44 statements on the perception. The collected data was analyzed by Principle Component Factor Analysis of QUANL PC Program. In this study, the types of clinical practice were categorized into 3 types: ‘the diet type compelled by circumstances’, ‘the diet type for health’, ‘the diet type for additional benefits’ This study has provided the baseline data for education and counseling program development for nursing students who start clinical practice..
Diet, Nursing student, Subjectivity, Q-methodology, Nurse
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