An Integrative Review: Translating the Experiences of Youth Psychiatry Patients to Improve Primary Healthcare Outcomes
Jane McLaughlin,Nurse Practitioner, Primary Care Practice, Canada
Kathryn Weaver,Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of New Brunswick, Canada
The aim of this integrative review is to sensitize primary care nurse practitioners and physicians to the traumatic care experiences of youth psychiatry patients and provide recommendations for patient care using a trauma-informed approach. Two electronic, combined CINAHL and PsychInfo searches and a manual search of the references of included articles for the years 2000-2019 were completed. Using Whittemore and Knafl’s integrative review method, data from 22 articles were synthesized. Traumatic care, although not widely recognized by primary care providers, was shown to result as a negative effect of admission policies, procedures, and safety measures enforced in youth psychiatry units. Traumatic care themes included coercive care, seclusion, loss of control, safety, and post-traumatic stress disorder after discharge. Trauma-informed care training was found to improve patient-provider relationships and reduce the adverse health outcomes associated with trauma exposure. Universal trauma screening is recommended in all care areas to identify traumatic experiences, enhance patient-provider relationships, and reduce adverse health outcomes associated with non-addressed traumas.
Integrative review, Nurse practitioner, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Psychiatry, Swanson’s caring theory, Traumatic care, Trauma-informed care, Youth
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