Performance of Therapeutic Communication Knowledge Application and Technique During Clinical Training of Nursing College Students


Mi-Young Moon, Department of Nursing, Joongbu University, Korea
Young-Ok Lee, Department of Nursing,YEUNGJIN University, Korea


The objective of this study is to provide the basic data for strengthening the communication learning competency of effective clinical training by understanding the performance of therapeutic communication knowledge application and technique during clinical training of nursing college students. Using the SPSS 21.0 Program for the data analysis, the t-tests and one-way ANOVA were conducted. The performance of therapeutic communication knowledge application and technique showed the significant differences in grade, economic condition, and clinical training period. The mean of performance of therapeutic communication knowledge application and technique was 1.86±0.15 while the problem recognition was the highest and the provision of information was the lowest. In the results of analyzing the factors having effects on the performance of therapeutic communication knowledge application and technique, the grade explained 19.4%. In order to strengthen the therapeutic communication competency out of learning strategies of clinical training for nursing college students, the adaptation to the skilled environment and technique would be needed, so that it would be necessary to develop the educational intervention program for the effective education methods and teaching/learning strategies during clinical training.



Therapeutic communication, Knowledge application and technique, Clinical training, Nursing college students


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  • APA:
    Moon,M.Y.& Lee,Y.O.(2019). Performance of Therapeutic Communication Knowledge Application and Technique During Clinical Training of Nursing College Students. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, 4(3), 19-24. 10.21742/IJANER.2019.4.3.04
  • Harvard:
    Moon,M.Y., Lee,Y.O.(2019). "Performance of Therapeutic Communication Knowledge Application and Technique During Clinical Training of Nursing College Students". International Journal of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, 4(3), pp.19-24. doi:10.21742/IJANER.2019.4.3.04
  • IEEE:
    [1] M.Y.Moon, Y.O.Lee, "Performance of Therapeutic Communication Knowledge Application and Technique During Clinical Training of Nursing College Students". International Journal of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, vol.4, no.3, pp.19-24, Dec. 2019
  • MLA:
    Moon Mi-Young and Lee Young-Ok. "Performance of Therapeutic Communication Knowledge Application and Technique During Clinical Training of Nursing College Students". International Journal of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, vol.4, no.3, Dec. 2019, pp.19-24, doi:10.21742/IJANER.2019.4.3.04


  • Volume 4, No. 3, 2019
  • ISSN(p):2207-3981
  • ISSN(e):2207-3159
  • Published:Dec. 2019