Impact of Emotional Labor on the Turnover Intention of Medical Technology Workers in General Hospital
Jong-Hyun Yang, Department of Health Administration, Jungwon University, Chungbuk, Korea
An-Sook Park, Department of Health Administration, Jungwon University, Chungbuk, Korea
This study analyzed relationship between emotional labor, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention of medical technology workers. A survey was conducted from July 01 to July 31, 2018 for 310 medical technology workers at 10 general hospitals in Korea. The average emotional labor level was 2.82±0.64, job satisfaction 3.07±0.49, organizational commitment 3.02±0.57, and turnover intention 3.23±0.68. All levels of emotional labor, job satisfaction, organizational commitment turned out to be above average. Emotional labor has been shown to have a significant positive (+) influence on turnover, and monthly salary, job satisfaction and organizational commitment have a significant negative (-) influence on turnover, respectively. Therefore, hospitals need to reduce emotional labor of their medical technology workers, thereby increasing job satisfaction and organizational commitment to decrease turnover intention of their medical technology workers.
Emotional labor, Turnover intention, Medical technology workers, General hospital
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