The Subjectivity for Closed Adoption of Nursing Students
Sunyoung Jang,Dept. of Nursing, Hanseo University,46 Hanseo1 Ro, Haemi-myun, Seosan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, 369-709, KOREA
The purpose of this study is to review the subjectivess of nursing students towards closed adoption and describe the characteristics of each type for categorization. Q-methodology was applied for this purpose. Nineteen students enrolled in the third or fourth year of the department of nursing studies at A university were asked to categorize 42 statements on adoption. The collected data were analyzed using QUANL PC Program. The analysis showed that the perception of nursing students towards closed adoption fell into three categories: co-existence of merits and disadvantages, focus on family, and pessimism about the future. The study was supplied as basic data for identifying the perception of nursing students in clinical settings towards closed adoption and for application of the findings to their education.
Closed, Adoption, Nursing, Student, Subjectivity, Q methodology