A Systematic Literature Review on Utilization of Gamification in Nursing


Ji Won Oak,Department of Nursing, Tongmyong University, Busan, Korea


This paper was investigated the nursing research related to gamification and analyze the contents and effects of the experimental research to examine its effect. A systematic literature review was conducted. The articles were searched electronically using the data base with the key words of “gamification” or “gamified” and “nursing”. Finally, six studies were selected among 80 studies. The study was conducted mostly by health care professionals including nursing students (n=4) and education subjects (n=5). ‘Reward’ was the most common gamification mechanism used in the study, and all studies were combined with various gamification mechanisms. In nursing education where participation and motivation of the subject is important, gamification can play an important role in educational effect. Nursing researchers' interest in gamification is needed in the future, and it is necessary to develop scenarios suitable for educational situations and to check their effectiveness.



Gamification, Nursing, Education, Systematic, Literature, Review


  • Volume 3, No. 1, 2018
  • ISSN(p):2207-3981
  • ISSN(e):2207-3159
  • Published:May. 2018