Workplace Bullying and Response of Bullying in Hospital Nurses


Sun Yee Yoo,Department of Nursing, Graduate School, Eulji University, Daejeon, Korea
Eun Mi Kim,Department of Nursing, Graduate School, Eulji University, Daejeon, Korea
Hye Young Ahn,College of Nursing, Eulji University, Daejon, Korea


The study examined relationships among workplace bullying, workplace bullying response and self-esteem, and identified the mediating effect of self-esteem on the relationship between workplace bullying and workplace bullying response. Using structured questionnaires, the study surveyed 227 nurses working in 7 hospitals with more than 100 beds in D metropolitan city and C province from July 15 to August 30, 2015. Results of the hierarchical regression analysis revealed that self-esteem (β=-.377) has the mediating effect on the relationship between workplace bullying (β=.521) and workplace bullying response. The findings have shown that workplace bullying responses in nurses can be reduced by boosting their self-esteem. All this indicates that systematic support and individual effort to enhance self-esteem will help control workplace bullying responses and lessen their negative effects.



Workplace, Bullying, Response, Self-esteem, Hospital, Nurse


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  • APA:
    Yoo,S.Y.& Kim,E.M.& Ahn,H.Y.(2017). Workplace Bullying and Response of Bullying in Hospital Nurses. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, 2(1), 167-174. 10.21742/IJANER.2017.2.1.29
  • Harvard:
    Yoo,S.Y., Kim,E.M., Ahn,H.Y.(2017). "Workplace Bullying and Response of Bullying in Hospital Nurses". International Journal of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, 2(1), pp.167-174. doi:10.21742/IJANER.2017.2.1.29
  • IEEE:
    [1] S.Y.Yoo, E.M.Kim, H.Y.Ahn, "Workplace Bullying and Response of Bullying in Hospital Nurses". International Journal of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, vol.2, no.1, pp.167-174, May. 2017
  • MLA:
    Yoo Sun Yee, Kim Eun Mi and Ahn Hye Young. "Workplace Bullying and Response of Bullying in Hospital Nurses". International Journal of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, vol.2, no.1, May. 2017, pp.167-174, doi:10.21742/IJANER.2017.2.1.29


  • Volume 2, No. 1, 2017
  • ISSN(p):2207-3981
  • ISSN(e):2207-3159
  • Published:May. 2017