Influences of Factors Promoting Cigarette Smoking, Smoking Cognition, and Health Behaviors on Smoking among College Students: Gender Differences


Gui-Yun Choi,Professor, College of Nursing, Ulsan College, Ulsan, Korea
Young-Mi Ko,Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Nursing, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
Sung-Hee Lee,Professor, College of Nursing, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea


This study was to investigate the influences of smoking promotion factors, smoking cognition and health behaviors on cigarette smoking according to gender. For the study, 977 U-City community college students participated as subjects, and the collected data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 20.0. The study confirmed that male college students’ inclination to smoke was affected by the number of smokers within the family and their smoking cognition; the number of smoking family members, presence of friends who smoke, smoking cognition, and moderate physical exercises were identified as predictors of smoking behavior in female college students. Based on this study, it is recommended that to discourage college students from smoking, smoking-prevention policies and education should consider the differences between the sexes with respect to the risk factors of smoking.



Male, College, Students, Female, Factors, Cigarette, Smoking, Cognition, Health, Behaviors


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  • APA:
    Choi,G.Y.& Ko,Y.M.& Lee,S.H.(2017). Influences of Factors Promoting Cigarette Smoking, Smoking Cognition, and Health Behaviors on Smoking among College Students: Gender Differences. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, 2(1), 137-142. 10.21742/IJANER.2017.2.1.24
  • Harvard:
    Choi,G.Y., Ko,Y.M., Lee,S.H.(2017). "Influences of Factors Promoting Cigarette Smoking, Smoking Cognition, and Health Behaviors on Smoking among College Students: Gender Differences". International Journal of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, 2(1), pp.137-142. doi:10.21742/IJANER.2017.2.1.24
  • IEEE:
    [1] G.Y.Choi, Y.M.Ko, S.H.Lee, "Influences of Factors Promoting Cigarette Smoking, Smoking Cognition, and Health Behaviors on Smoking among College Students: Gender Differences". International Journal of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, vol.2, no.1, pp.137-142, May. 2017
  • MLA:
    Choi Gui-Yun, Ko Young-Mi and Lee Sung-Hee. "Influences of Factors Promoting Cigarette Smoking, Smoking Cognition, and Health Behaviors on Smoking among College Students: Gender Differences". International Journal of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, vol.2, no.1, May. 2017, pp.137-142, doi:10.21742/IJANER.2017.2.1.24


  • Volume 2, No. 1, 2017
  • ISSN(p):2207-3981
  • ISSN(e):2207-3159
  • Published:May. 2017