Tutoring Program Effects in Nursing Students
Min-Suk Kim,Dept. of Nursing, Baekseok Culture Univ., Munam-ro, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, 31065, Korea
Suk-Won Hahn,Dept. of Nursing, Baekseok Culture Univ., Munam-ro, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, 31065, Korea
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of self-directed learning ability, self-efficacy and academic achievement on pre and post test by applying the tutoring program to 38 tutor and 44 tutee students who take microbiology at a college. This study investigated self-directed learning ability, academic self-efficacy, academic achievement, and tutoring satisfaction using questionnaires and test scores before and after tutoring program. The results showed that the self-directed learning ability and academic self-efficacy of the tutee were significantly improved after the tutoring program, and tutee’s self-directed learning ability was significantly improved compared to the tutor. We suggest that the systematic and continuous tutoring program be applied at the department level to improve the students’ learning ability.
Tutoring, Self-directed learning, Academic self-efficacy, Academic achievement, Satisfaction
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