The problem of recognition of inter-religious truth and mutual transformation for inter-religious solidarity in the perspective of Absoluteness of Christianity


Tae-Kwan Choi,Lecturer, Methodist Theological University, Korea
Sa-ya Lee,Professor, Namseoul University, Korea


In this study, for peace and mutual recognition between Christianity and religions, should be covering issues of mutual transformation. First, the Author regards the absoluteness of Christianity of Troeltsch as a historical and relative value, the value of criticism and reform, a open value. These three fundamental principles base on the religious Self-reflection in the European History. Second emphasizes Troeltsch the individuality of each religion and the recognition of other Religions in his last work. According to Troeltsch’s thought should recognize all religions the authenticity of other religious truth and the value and normativity of other religions in their culture. Furthermore, all religions have the religious identity and responsibility of the religions for the dialogue between their religion and other religions in their culture. Third criticizes the Author with Troeltsch’s Position the theocentric pluralism for example, John Hick and Paul Knitter. Because they are not aware of the religious individuality und cultural identity of other religions and their responsibility for reform und transformation of their religion. According to the Author should overcome the Christian the exclusivity of Christianity and transform themselves in order to overcome exclusivity and non-essential elements of Christianity. The Christian muss mutual encounter with other religions and should have a dialogue with other religions people. The other religious people have the same responsibility for the dialogue between their religions and the Christianity. Fourth, this study criticizes Troeltsch’s Understanding of the absoluteness of the Christianity. In conclusion maintains thesis, that the Korean theology should try to form Christian and religious identity in encounter with other religions.



Ernst Troeltsch, The Absoluteness of Christianity, The encounter of religions, Pluralism


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  • APA:
    Choi,T.K.& Lee,S.(2019). The problem of recognition of inter-religious truth and mutual transformation for inter-religious solidarity in the perspective of Absoluteness of Christianity. International Journal of Art and Culture Technology, 3(1), 9-14. 10.21742/IJACT.2019.3.1.02
  • Harvard:
    Choi,T.K., Lee,S.(2019). "The problem of recognition of inter-religious truth and mutual transformation for inter-religious solidarity in the perspective of Absoluteness of Christianity". International Journal of Art and Culture Technology, 3(1), pp.9-14. doi:10.21742/IJACT.2019.3.1.02
  • IEEE:
    [1] T.K.Choi, S.Lee, "The problem of recognition of inter-religious truth and mutual transformation for inter-religious solidarity in the perspective of Absoluteness of Christianity". International Journal of Art and Culture Technology, vol.3, no.1, pp.9-14, May. 2019
  • MLA:
    Choi Tae-Kwan and Lee Sa-ya. "The problem of recognition of inter-religious truth and mutual transformation for inter-religious solidarity in the perspective of Absoluteness of Christianity". International Journal of Art and Culture Technology, vol.3, no.1, May. 2019, pp.9-14, doi:10.21742/IJACT.2019.3.1.02


  • Volume 3, No. 1, 2019
  • ISSN(p):2207-8533
  • ISSN(e):2207-8541
  • Published:May. 2019