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Asia-pacific Journal of Law, Politics and Administration

Volume 2, No. 2, 2018, pp 125-130


New Media Channel and Purchase Decision for Small Enterprise Products

    Hoe-Kyung Jung
    SMIT(Seoul Media Institute of Technology) Dep. Of New Media
    [email protected]


    To examine the influential factors to purchase decision for small enterprise products, this study conducted regression analysis by setting independent variables such as 'SNS product information reliability', 'sharing SNS product information', 'purchasing innovative product', 'signifying on comparative exploration and rational decision making', 'signifying on shopping trend and style' and dependent variable which is 'purchase decision for small enterprise product'. As the result, consumer's higher reliability of SNS product information, and the more they share SNS product information, the more they purchase small enterprise products, and the more they purchased innovative product, the more they purchased small enterprise products. It indicated the importance of small enterprise product experience using new media including online, mobile and consumer participation oriented marking communication.


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