A Study on the Laws and Codes of the Old Testament


Saya Lee,Dept. General Education, Namseoul Univ., Cheonan. Korea


The Pentateuch of the Old Testament has many laws and law-codes, for example, Decalogue, Covenant Code, Deuteronomy Code and Holiness Code, etc. Those laws and law-codes of the old testament have long history. They were influenced by the laws of ancient near eastern world and have developed in old testament itself and have underwent a good deal of changes in their interpretations after codifying. The purpose of this article is to investigate the particularities of the pentateuchal laws of ancient Isaelites in the old testament and to search the role and effective value of those laws in the present time. The Pentateuch laws and codes are within the scope of the Torah. The fundamental meaning of Hebrew Torah is the teaching of God to His people Israel. God gave Torah to Israel because He loved them and still loves Israel and all the peoples of the world. So we can learn that the fundamental mind of the laws of old testament is love(=agape). Is the Torah still valid today? We can not apply all the contents of the laws of old testament to our daily life but the laws of old testament are valid and have simultaneity in the period of old and new testament and even nowadays, because love remains unchanged like God Himself even in our ever-changing world.



Law, Love, Old testament, Ten commandments, Judaism


[1]     B. S. Childs, “Introduction to the old testament as scripture introduction to the old testament as scripture,” trans. by Gabdong Kim, Seoul: Christian Literature Press, (1987)
[2]     R. A. Cole, “Law,” The Christian Encyclopedia 7, Seoul: Christian Literature Press, 454-464, (1983)
[3]     B. W. Anderson, “An introduction to the study of the pentateuch,’ New York: bloomsbury, (2017)
[4]     J. Park, “New reading the ten commandments,’ Seoul: Handl, (2002)
[5]     R. W. Moberly, “Old testament theology,” Grandrapids: Baker Academic, (2017)
[6]     B. C. Birch, W. B. Brueggemann, T. E. Fretheim, and D. L. Petersen, “Theological introduction to the old testament,” Nashville: Abingdon Press, (2005)
[7]     B. W. Anderson, “Understanding old testament,” Seoul: Christian Digest, (1994)
[8]     G. von Rad, “Old testament theology 1,” trans. by Huck Heo, Woekwan: Bundo Press, (1976)


  • APA:
    Lee,S.(2020). A Study on the Laws and Codes of the Old Testament. International Journal of Interactive Storytelling, 4(1), 41-46. 10.21742/IJIS.2020.4.1.06
  • Harvard:
    Lee,S.(2020). "A Study on the Laws and Codes of the Old Testament". International Journal of Interactive Storytelling, 4(1), pp.41-46. doi:10.21742/IJIS.2020.4.1.06
  • IEEE:
    [1] S.Lee, "A Study on the Laws and Codes of the Old Testament". International Journal of Interactive Storytelling, vol.4, no.1, pp.41-46, Aug. 2020
  • MLA:
    Lee Saya. "A Study on the Laws and Codes of the Old Testament". International Journal of Interactive Storytelling, vol.4, no.1, Aug. 2020, pp.41-46, doi:10.21742/IJIS.2020.4.1.06


  • Volume 4, No. 1, 2020
  • ISSN(p):2207-8436
  • ISSN(e):2207-8444
  • Published:Aug. 2020