The Relationship between Participation in Sports and Life Satisfaction in Adolescent


Seungman Lee,Kyunghee University, Republic of Korea
Jihwan Song,Jeonju Hosung Middle School, Republic of Korea
Hohyun Song*,Jeonju National University of Education, Republic of Korea


This study fills a gap in the literature by examining the relationship between sport participation and life satisfaction in adolescents and verifying the role of socialization agents in adolescents’ sport participation. It provides a significant theoretical basis for further investigating the role and importance of socialization agents vis-à-vis adolescents’ sport participation. This study aimed to verify the relationship between youth sport participation, socialization agents, and life satisfaction. It conducted a pilot study of 181 adolescents residing in Seoul in December 2019 and a main study of 539 adolescents residing in Seoul in February 2020. Data acquired from both the pilot and main study were analyzed using frequency analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, and path analysis. These analyses yielded the following results. First, socialization agents were found to positively influence sport participation. Second, sports participation motivation was found to positively influence engagement. Third, sports participation engagement was found to positively influence life satisfaction. Based on these findings, this study discussed the importance of recognizing socialization agents’ importance in driving adolescents’ motivation to participate in sports and the need to provide adolescents with a variety of sport participation opportunities in order to raise their life satisfaction.



Adolescents, Sport participation motivation, Socialization agents, Life satisfaction, Structural equation modeling


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  • APA:
    Lee,S.& Song,J.& Song*,H.(2020). The Relationship between Participation in Sports and Life Satisfaction in Adolescent. International Journal of Interactive Storytelling, 4(1), 25-32. 10.21742/IJIS.2020.4.1.04
  • Harvard:
    Lee,S., Song,J., Song*,H.(2020). "The Relationship between Participation in Sports and Life Satisfaction in Adolescent". International Journal of Interactive Storytelling, 4(1), pp.25-32. doi:10.21742/IJIS.2020.4.1.04
  • IEEE:
    [1] S.Lee, J.Song, H.Song*, "The Relationship between Participation in Sports and Life Satisfaction in Adolescent". International Journal of Interactive Storytelling, vol.4, no.1, pp.25-32, Aug. 2020
  • MLA:
    Lee Seungman, Song Jihwan and Song* Hohyun. "The Relationship between Participation in Sports and Life Satisfaction in Adolescent". International Journal of Interactive Storytelling, vol.4, no.1, Aug. 2020, pp.25-32, doi:10.21742/IJIS.2020.4.1.04


  • Volume 4, No. 1, 2020
  • ISSN(p):2207-8436
  • ISSN(e):2207-8444
  • Published:Aug. 2020