The Impact of Durga’s Wrath and its Effect onto Burisrawa: An Analysis on the Play of Panakawan Kembar


Muhammad Fauzi,Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


This essay discusses one type of literature that is the play. The play studied is a classical play with the object of play script research titled Panakawan Kembar. This script was written by Undung Wiyono as a team of Wayang Orang Sekar Budaya Nusantara and was first performed in 2005 by TVRI then re-staged in 2015 with the title changed to Panakawan Tanding. Research of puppet script titled Panakawan Kembar is carried out by means of structural research using the theory book of Analisis Drama dan Teater (analysis of drama and theater) by Soediro Satoto and is a qualitative descriptive research in order to achieve the goal of knowing the morality contained in the Panakawan Kembar play script. This article assumes that the virtue of defeating the emancipation and immobility of the durga has been succeeded by the virtues of the pandawa.



Shadow play, Structural, Fighting, Morality, Javanese


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  • APA:
    Fauzi,M.(2020). The Impact of Durga’s Wrath and its Effect onto Burisrawa: An Analysis on the Play of Panakawan Kembar. International Journal of Interactive Storytelling, 4(1), 1-10. 10.21742/IJIS.2020.4.1.01
  • Harvard:
    Fauzi,M.(2020). "The Impact of Durga’s Wrath and its Effect onto Burisrawa: An Analysis on the Play of Panakawan Kembar". International Journal of Interactive Storytelling, 4(1), pp.1-10. doi:10.21742/IJIS.2020.4.1.01
  • IEEE:
    [1] M.Fauzi, "The Impact of Durga’s Wrath and its Effect onto Burisrawa: An Analysis on the Play of Panakawan Kembar". International Journal of Interactive Storytelling, vol.4, no.1, pp.1-10, Aug. 2020
  • MLA:
    Fauzi Muhammad. "The Impact of Durga’s Wrath and its Effect onto Burisrawa: An Analysis on the Play of Panakawan Kembar". International Journal of Interactive Storytelling, vol.4, no.1, Aug. 2020, pp.1-10, doi:10.21742/IJIS.2020.4.1.01


  • Volume 4, No. 1, 2020
  • ISSN(p):2207-8436
  • ISSN(e):2207-8444
  • Published:Aug. 2020