A Study on Reuse Intention of Digital Bank in South Korea - Focused on customers using an Internet Primary Bank: ‘Kakao Bank’


Jiyoung Yoon,Adjunct Professor, Dept of Consumer Studies, Ewha Womans University, Korea
Soonhee Joung,Professor, Dept of Consumer Studies, Ewha Womans University,Korea


The Fintech, which has recently drawn attention, has brought about a remarkable revolution in the financial sector. The so-called digital bank, Internet Primary Bank, is a total result of technology finance, which combines Artificial Intelligence(A.I.), Big data, and Blockchain technology etc. Internet Primary Bank combined with these advanced technologies have made a big difference in Korea's financial market. It was also surprising to see the number of consumers in Korea. But, really important part will be to maintain a consistent customer base. In consideration of these aspects, this study investigated factors affecting the intention to continuously use it for consumers using Kakao Bank, which shows a higher status of subscription retention than K-Bank. For this study, the main variables of the expanded technology acceptance model were modified and applied to establish a research model for variables affecting the intention to reuse that. For this research sample was conducted on adult consumers in their 20s and 50s using Kakao Bank. It has the significance of academic verification. And also provides directions for the practical use of marketing data by checking the impact variables on the intention of reuse of Korea's Internet Primary Bank, which are in their relatively early stages.



Digital bank, Internet primary bank, Financial services, Reuse intention, Technology acceptance model


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  • APA:
    Yoon,J.& Joung,S.(2019). A Study on Reuse Intention of Digital Bank in South Korea - Focused on customers using an Internet Primary Bank: ‘Kakao Bank’ . International Journal of Business Policy and Strategy Management, 6(1), 37-42. 10.21742/IJBPSM.2019.6.1.06
  • Harvard:
    Yoon,J., Joung,S.(2019). "A Study on Reuse Intention of Digital Bank in South Korea - Focused on customers using an Internet Primary Bank: ‘Kakao Bank’ ". International Journal of Business Policy and Strategy Management, 6(1), pp.37-42. doi:10.21742/IJBPSM.2019.6.1.06
  • IEEE:
    [1] J.Yoon, S.Joung, "A Study on Reuse Intention of Digital Bank in South Korea - Focused on customers using an Internet Primary Bank: ‘Kakao Bank’ ". International Journal of Business Policy and Strategy Management, vol.6, no.1, pp.37-42, Nov. 2019
  • MLA:
    Yoon Jiyoung and Joung Soonhee. "A Study on Reuse Intention of Digital Bank in South Korea - Focused on customers using an Internet Primary Bank: ‘Kakao Bank’ ". International Journal of Business Policy and Strategy Management, vol.6, no.1, Nov. 2019, pp.37-42, doi:10.21742/IJBPSM.2019.6.1.06


  • Volume 6, No. 1, 2019
  • ISSN(p):2206-3021
  • ISSN(e):2207-0559
  • Published:Nov. 2019